Sunday, February 10, 2008

Music City Nights First Videotaping

Music City Nights rides out the Tornados
February 5, 2008: The first video taping of Music City Nights, featuring some really good singer/songwriters at the Rhythm Cafe (formally Cafe Milano) on Third Avenue in downtown Nashville Tennessee. Also performing at this first show were Chris Gantry, Jared Taber, Emerson Hart, and The House Cats. The House Cats include musicians from Nashville's Play It Again Jam (a TennesseeConcerts sponored Musicians Jam) including Gary Allen, Walter Jowers, Ken Utterback, Laurie Canaan, Doug Corbin & Harley Lamoureux.

I had a chance to go backstage and get some food during
the beginning of the show. After the show started, tornado sirens began to blare throughout downtown Nashville, as the states deadliest tornado's in over three decades ripped through Tennessee, killing at least 33 people. The show continued on, since news reports stated the tornado's were headed northeast of Nashville.

This was also Super Tuesday, and voting day in Tennessee. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (republican) and Senator Hillary Clinton (democrat) won the primary vote in Tennessee on this day. The show went on as planned, despite the eventful day.
Chris Gantry and his daughter Nicole Hart did a great job hosting the event. Jared Taber & Emerson Hart sounded good. And, my friends from The House Cats always sound good. Pat Adams -

Music City Nights Photographs by Pat Adams from TennesseeConcerts

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